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Flewellin Online Catalog
Want to know what books we have available for check out or place a book on hold?
Search our catalog here!

Axis 360/Boundless

Need help accessing e-books?  Your first step is downloading the Axis360 app.  Click on the link below for instructions on downloading and accessing books via the Axis360 app.


After you have downloaded the Axis360 app, search for Flewellin Memorial Library. Once accessed, you will need to enter an ID and password. The ID is: Flew, followed by your last name (or as many letters at the system allows.)  (Ex: Flew, Smith) The system will then require a PIN Number. This is your 4 digit library card number. Please make note of your password and PIN number for future use.


For more help with using Axis360, click here for some tutorials.

Search More Libraries


Can't find something in our local catalog? Search more libraries in the Find More Illinois catalog. Limit results to the desired format, e.g. book, DVD, etc. When you find what you want, login as a Flewellin patron with your library ID number and Flewellin as password. Click the Request icon/button to request it. Call the library at 815-824-2079 for more information.

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